Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sturgeon Bay Passes With 0% Tobacco Sales To Minors!

The Lakeshore Tobacco Prevention Network.

Sturgeon Bay Passes the Test: 0% Tobacco Sales to Minors
WI Wins Compliance Checks Result in Zero Sales

[Sturgeon Bay, WI] Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (OTP) are illegal to sell to minors under the age of 18. Not all retailers abide by the law, as 3.8% of retailers in Door County sold to minors in 2011. So far this year, Sturgeon Bay has seen a significant improvement having zero tobacco sales to minors, a great accomplishment for the community and its retailers.
The WI Wins success can best be described by Chief Arleigh Porter, “Having zero sales in Sturgeon Bay shows the commitment that licensed tobacco retailers have in keeping tobacco out of the hands of youth.” Throughout 2012, 46 compliance investigations will be initiated among tobacco retailers in Door County. “Sturgeon Bay Police Department and the WI Wins program,” Porter continued, “have partnered for years in conducting compliance investigations which have benefited the community.”

Wisconsin WINS is a part of the Wisconsin Tobacco and Prevention Control program and provides training, community outreach and education to local retailers that work to reduce youth access to tobacco products. For more information on the WI Wins program, visit